July update

Well, at Scipilot, we're here in Sydney dealing with quite the COVID lockdown, so this is our first ISO update.

  • πŸ‘Ά Triplicates look much nicer when deduplicating
    When you're scanning for duplicates, you'll often find three of the same article, from different sources. Until now, those triplicates would show in a bit of a funny order in our deduplication experience. Now, they almost always show in a nice and tidy list, right next to each other, so you know which of the 3 you want to keep, and which 2 you want to scrap.
  • πŸ˜… You can now import after your start screening
    Picture this: You've imported, deduplicated, and started screening your articles... 500 down, you realise that you've forgotten to import articles from one of your sources... You no longer need to throw away a week's worth of work! Import your new articles, run another deduplication to clean them up, and you're back up and running no sweat. Before today, your project might have gone a bit haywire if you tried to do this... But hey, we know you're only human...
  • πŸ’΅ Preparation for General Availability
    We are close to coming out of Beta. This is a huge milestone for us, and we're very excited. Soon, you'll have to pay for a Syras project, so create your new projects soon! All existing Syras Projects will get the full feature set for free!
  • πŸ›  Small bug fixes and improvements.
    It wouldn't be a monthly update unless we were squirrelling away on small scale fixes that make your life better... This month there were a few around browser support, and screening sequencing and indexing... blah blah blah... you won't even notice, because it'll just feel great to use Syras. 😜

Here's a preview of the upcoming Syras prices and features. We'd love to hear what you think at contact@scipilot.com.au

Project Type > Test Project Single-stream screening Team screening
Price Free $50 USD $150 USD
Number of collaborators allowed 2 3 10
Max number of abstracts 300 15,000 15,000
Scan for duplicates in your imported articles [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ]
Resolve suspected duplicates [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ]
Screen Abstracts for inclusion / exclusion [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ]
Resolve disagreements [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ]
Export all final includes, or all abstracts [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ]
Divide abstracts into streams for screening [icon name="check-circle" ] [icon name="check-circle" ]


How is a systematic review defined, and what’s the process?


June Updates